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You're life is a success...

Except for your struggle with...

Miscarriages, Infertility, PCOS or PMS.

You may not know this, but they are all related.

It comes down to one core thing.

Cellular Function.

I'd say it's highly likely that your doctor isn't talking with you about that topic.

And it's critically important, especially post 2020.

And I can show you specifically what to do about it.

I know you.

You're a professional, you're savvy and you've already tried a lot of things.

You want the truth.

You want bottom-lined.

You want serious answers for your serious problem.

And you're fed up with doctors appointments and your only options being prescriptions, tests or treatments.

I know you, because I was you.

I had terrible PMS, cramps and suffered with inexplicable infertility for five long years.

And no one in the healthcare system could offer me answers...

except prescriptions for the horrible cramps, more tests and a an $18,000 IVF treatment to try and conceive.

Today those treatments are about $25,000, each time.

I didn't have to do any of that.

Today in my fifties I feel amazing.

I even sailed through menopause without symptoms.

And that healthy baby I had over 20 years ago, without IVF treatments by the way, is now in college.

Easily, energetically moving through every day of the month without symptoms and...

the awesome gift of being a Mom is something I thank God for daily.

I'd love to help you get there too.

If you want the facts and a step-by-step plan how to improve your condition...

You're in the right place.

Finally, the science, the truth and answers.

All in one easy to understand program.

Welcome to The CODE to Hormones

This gold standard science-based program includes:

A convenient, step-by-step, digital program that you can download in minutes, and keep forever.

Nothing is held back.

No woman should suffer with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or PMS.

Those conditions should not exist.

And I'll show you exactly what to do to dramatically improve them if not completely eliminate them.

I have helped women do it for years.

And when you follow this program, you can also improve your chances to conceive and carry full term.

We know God is in charge but...

You'll learn what to eat, because that is extremely important and not one doctor discussed that with me during my years of stress and frustration.

You'll receive simple checklists and steps so that you can begin to improve and balance your hormone health.

You'll discover how to simply, quickly and conveniently protect your cellular health because that piece is absolutely critical.

The majority of well-meaning doctors are not teaching you how to do that either and it's not that they don't care, honestly most doctors don't know how...

because it's not their training.

You'll even learn helpful information about how to find the right doctors.

This is...

everything you do not hear from your well-meaning Primary Care Physician, OB/GYN, or Fertility Specialist.

I have never offered this entire female hormone course in this easy to follow, written format before...

but I feel I must because...

despite the fact that most people were never taught what really constitutes a healthy diet and lifestyle...

the events of the last four years have caused a toxic load unlike anything we have ever experienced.

And that alone, is causing daily damage to your cells...

which negatively affects your hormones and your reproductive system.

You deserve a little-known plan that puts you in control.

Don't worry...

There are some simple things that you can do...but you need to start doing them right away.

Honestly, the sooner the better.

So what's the CODE?

C = cell membrances must be "cleaned"

O= oxygen levels must be kept high

D= detoxify your cells daily

E= eat to balance hormones & reproduction system

You won't find this vitally important information in your well-meaning doctor's office.

You won't find it all online or on websites.

You will find it here.

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It puts you back in control.

I am absolutely sure of this...

I have natural, effective, proven solutions for you.

Instead of suffering with symptoms and the stress of possibly not being able to start a family...

you'll begin to make progress by getting your hands on this unique and proprietary information.

And what that really means is...

you'll have peace of mind because you'll begin to feel better every week.

And you know what that really means?

You'll feel like yourself again, have hope and be in control.

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Who am I and why listen to me?

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Hello, I'm board-certified naturopathic doctor Lana Kontos,

I'm different because I am also a trained and certified diet and lifestyle medicine practitioner and a certifed digestive health specialist.

I was trained by some of the foremost medical doctors, and research scientists

in the world from

(Yale, Cornell, Harvard, The Cleveland Clinic and The Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, DC.)

I have helped clients in the US, Canada, England, Europe and the UAE overcome Acid Reflux, IBS, Crohn's, Colitis, PCOS, PMS, Pre & Post Menopause Symptoms, Type 2 Diabetes, Terminal Cardiovascular Disease and Taught Permanent Weight Loss for 15 years.

What if you knew that this is safe, simple, and...

Don't worry...

You can do it even if you're busy.

You do not have to shop at expensive specialty grocery stores (unless you like to shop there.)

You don't have to work out in the gym 7 days a week (and do insane workouts.)

You don't have to be a vegan (unless that's your choice.)

You can learn to do it. It's not hard...

because everything is easily laid out for you.

You can do this around your busy life.

You can do this if you're on the go or travel.

And the good news is...

You'll feel relieved.

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What's in it for you...

* You'll discover the One thing needed to balance your hormones ( with gold-standard-science.)

* You'll leave with specific steps to help you naturally reduce your weight if that is needed. (Weight gain is often is an innocent side effect of PCOS and it really bothers women.)

* You will not find this unique, proprietary information all in one place anywhere else.

* You have this plan to refer to for life.

* I share references that most women with these conditions wouldn't typically know.

* You can even look younger and less stressed. (I know that stressed look, I saw it in my office for years and it was me decades ago.)


If you don't learn it here, where are you going to learn it?

And more importantly who is going to teach you?

So, What's the investment?

This is well over $7,650 worth of basic coursework.

It was over $1,500 in the office.

If this sounds perfect for you then register below:

This life changing program that puts you back in control is normally offered for only $297.

The Good News Is...

Today there is a Savings of $200 today...

this is only one payment of $97 today.

If this just helped you with one thing...

like learning a proven method that would put you in control and give you hope so that you could feel less stress and confident again wouldn't it be worth it?

There is brand new information combined with the lastest science that you would not find elsewhere.

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# 1


# 2


University Classes, Formal Programs, Invitation Only Lectures, Books, Private Mentorship Programs, Medical Conferences, Little-Known Research, One-of-a-Kind Products, Collaborations with Dedicated Doctors.

Special bonus:

I share with you the exact protocol I use to stay lean and symptom free in my late 50s. It's all at the end, I share it all with you.

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If this sounds relieving and you're ready to get control again scroll to the bottom and enter your information so that you can get your hands on this today.

Most women do not want left out.

Kind Words from Happy Clients...

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Special Limited Savings of $200

Normally this Program is $297

Today a One Time Payment of Only $97

I look forward to this program guiding you for a lifetime.

God bless you,

Dr. Lana

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