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Your life is a success, you're a busy professional however you're navigating symptoms, doctor's visits, viruses and you want to protect your family's health.

Your blood work came back with some markers out of "normal" range...

Your medical doctor wants to put you on low dose meds.

Perhaps PSA tests and Prostate Issues are a topic in your household.

And ladies, you won't get away from going to the OB/GYN.

And if you're like most professionals here, you're juggling your Mom's care with her medical doctors.

And then there is the dentist twice a year.

Wouldn't you like to know exactly how to select the right doctors so that you get the best care?

Wouldn't you like to know what your blood work really means?

Wouldn't you like to know what tests to ask for and what to avoid?

Wouldn't you like to know how to help move your numbers into a normal range without more drugs?

Wouldn't you like to know exactly what to do if a loved one was taken to the Emergency Room?

Wouldn't you like to know how to navigate and improve your or your loved one's mental health without drugs?

What if there is a place with all of this information so that you can take control of your health?

Six years of school, thousands of patients and fifteen years later....

Here is...

The CODE to Family Wellness and Your Doctors

It's all inside a step-by-step program you can have today in your inbox.

People are busy.

Most people here in our open-minded community just want bottom-lined.

The Good News is...

This program is simple, quick and to the point.

It's information you need to give you an edge in keeping you and your family from being overtreated...

or worse mentally and physically injured by pharmaceutical drugs.

If you knew 20% of what was in this program you'd be light years ahead of most Americans.

It can be lifesaving.

This information can save you money too because you'll learn what to do and what not to do.

And, one more thing... you're going to need the information as you and your family age.

It's not if you need this information, it's when.

My hope for you is that you are prepared to the best of your ability to be your own wellness advocate.

I know it brings me peace to know what to do, what to ask and how to navigate the system.

Glory to God for my training...

I was trained by some of the foremost Medical Doctors, and Nutritional Biochemists from Yale, Harvard and Cornell as well as Cognitive BehavioralTherapists for years exactly how to stop, prevent and as the research shows often reverse chronic degenerative diseases: IBS, Acid Reflux, PCOS, PMS, Menopause Symptoms, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, Prostate Issues and Terminal Cardiovascular Disease.

Peace of mind is around the corner.

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Why listen to me?

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Hello I'm Lana Kontos, a rarely trained, board-certified naturopathic doctor.

I'm different because...I'm also a certified and trained digestive health specialist and a diet and lifestyle medicine practitioner.

I was blessed to be trained by some of the foremost medical doctors and research scientists in the world.

I have successfully helped people in the US, Canada, England, Europe and UAE improve and overcome health issues for 15 years.

You agree that:

Private phone consultations or any material in any programs are not a substitute for your primary care physician or specialists.

I am not making health claims, diagnosing your condition or prescribing medications.

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I'm going to tell you personally my Mom is alive today at 87, as I write this, because I knew exactly how to talk to, work with and navigate medical doctors and this system.

There is over $22,000 worth of course work in this program.

This would take four phone consultations ($1000) to go through all of this material.

The good news is ...

There is a final special today .

It's not the normal investment of $497.

Today there is a savings of $200, it's only $297.

March 6th at 5 pm Eastern will be the last time you can have access to this rare program.

Kind Words & Happy Clients...

I look forward to this program guiding you for years,

God bless,

Dr. Lana

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