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Your life is a success, you're a busy professional.

However, you are trying to balance hormones, some mid-life symptoms and a few extra pounds...

High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar and High Cholesterol maybe in the mix.

Ladies, you're often navigating PMS or Menopause. Those cramps, hot flashes and night sweats are awful.


Gentlemen, perhaps ED or Gout that you don't want to talk about.

You are trying to eat healthier but it's not working.

And you're tired of trying to figure out.

This program is perfect for you.

The fact...

is our nation is sicker and more overweight than ever.

And it's the FOOD.

What if there were a program that laid out a step-by-step plan of what to eat and why so that you can overcome symptoms and feel like yourself again?

It's not what you think.

There are foods we were taught were healthy and that promote, symptoms, weight gain and diseases.

This program is based on facts; no hype, fads, Keto and no counting calories or points.

This is a program that no one can argue with because it is based on gold-standard science...

that means it is peer-reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled, independent research proving exactly how humans were designed to eat so that they can stay lean, energetic, and live symptom and disease free.

Wouldn't you like to know that facts around food so that you can avoid the common mistakes that keep people overweight, sluggish and struggling with symptoms?

Most people said absolutely yes.


The Anti-Inflammatory Food Program

This program is more powerful than medicine.

This is the step-by-step plan I use to this day to keep me lean, energetic, healthy... and symptom free!

This can help you stop, prevent and, as the research shows, reverse, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, PCOS, PMS, Pre and Post Menopause Symptoms; even Gout and ED.

This is not a health claim. This is gold-standard science.

If you only focused on a couple things in this program you could change your health outcomes for life.

You will learn exactly how to promote longevity, independence and vitality while looking and feeling younger than most of your friends.

You won't learn this from your well-meaning MD.

You won't learn this on association websites.

Where are you going to learn it?

Glory to God for my training...

I was trained by some of the foremost Medical Doctors, Nutritional Biochemists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists from Yale, Harvard and Cornell exactly how to stop, prevent and, as the research shows, often reverse chronic degenerative diseases: IBS, Acid Reflux, PCOS, PMS, Menopause Symptoms, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, Gout and ED.

Why listen to me?

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Hello I'm Lana Kontos, a rarely trained, board-certified naturopathic doctor.

I'm different because...I'm also a certified and trained digestive health specialist and a diet and lifestyle medicine practitioner.

I was blessed to be trained by some of the foremost medical doctors and research scientists in the world.

I have successfully helped people overcome their health issues in the US, Canada, England, Europe and the UAE

for 15 years.

You agree that:

Private phone consultations or any material in any programs are not a substitute for your primary care physician or specialists.

I am not making health claims, diagnosing your condition or prescribing medications.

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This is a step-by-step, easy to follow, food formula steeped in science so that you can look younger, overcome symptoms and feel like yourself again.

It took six years of school and fifteen years of working with patients to put this program together...

because it is the core gold-standard food formula with some additions from the lastest research.

Don't worry...

it's all in a written plan that you can review and keep forever so that you can stay lean, energetic and feeling your best for years.

There is over $7,600 of basic coursework in this program.

Kind Words & Happy Clients...

I look forward to this program guiding you for years,

God bless,

Dr. Lana

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